About Me

I began coding in order to make my work life more efficient. I love solving problems and Ruby gave me the tools to do it with precision. I generally prefer a simple elegant solution but at the end of the day I know how to get the job done.





JavaScript (ES6)










Passion for Learning

Interpersonal Communication

Identifying Process Efficiencies

Test-Driven Development

Open Source Contributor

Workfront Fusion Certified


Relevant Experience

Opal Technologies

Backend Software Engineer, 2019 - 2020

  • Planned projects from high level architecture and timeline decisions to fully detailed individual pieces of work ready to be executed against.
  • Learned Elixir to build features and fix bugs in the integrations microservice designed to sync assets (images/videos) between the monolith app and third party services.
  • Refactored legacy Rails APIs for clarity of function, reusability, modularity, separation of concerns, and faster execution times.
  • Became Workfront Fusion certified to build out Workfront integrations with the monolith app.


Software Engineer, 2019

  • Collaborated with customer support, design, and other developers to integrate the Cozy services (rent collection, payment processing) into Apartments.com.
  • Updated existing code to correct errors and add additional clarity for users


Software Engineer, 2018 - 2019

  • Started an open source Ruby Gem to use the SCIM web standard for creating, updating, and deprovisioning users in the main application.
  • Built a fully independent Rails microservice in Docker for interfacing between the main application and third party APIs.
  • Worked closely with CX and Services to identify pain points for enterprise clients and then build custom features and solutions to address those concerns.
  • Sought out opportunities to challenge myself with unfamiliar problems such as diving into a memory leak issue and finding a scalable solution to learning how to decrypt PGP encrypted files.


Development Intern, 2017

  • Developed new, high-quality and fully peer reviewed features to assist staff with daily tasks.
  • Collaborated with engineers and project manager to work on database migrations in MySQL, and maintain the app by triaging and fixing bugs.


Developer, 2017

  • Worked with a small team to build a Rails ecommerce website to sell paintings by the Portland artist Tom Kane.
  • Started the process with an initial client meeting to discuss concepts and to learn more about him and his needs. In the design phase, we created templates for the client to interact with and for feedback.
  • Integrated AWS S3 for image storage, Stripe for payment processing, and MailGun for email management, as well as fully encrypting the site with SSL protecting both the owner and visitors.


Partner Support Representative, 2015 - 2017

  • Took the initiative to write a Ruby program that automated Portland's daily compliance requirements, thereby saving 250 hours a year.
  • Solicited the company for processes that could be automated and on my own initiative built a Ruby program to automate Seattle's weekly compliance obligations, saving nearly 1,000 hours of operations work per year.
  • Automated Las Vegas's daily compliance documentation by writing a Ruby program they could run daily to build the documents they sent to the city. Also reworked their SQL queries that were pulling incomplete and incorrect data.

Epicodus Chrome Extension

Developer, 2017

  • After identifying a pain point of daily lessons at Epicodus, built a Google Chrome extension to assist students with finding the attendance sign in page.
  • Extension was integrated by Epicodus on all their machines in Portland and Seattle and is now a tool students interacts with daily.



Ruby on Rails, 2017

California State University, Long Beach

B.A. Religious Studies, 2010